Presidential Hymn

A member of Christ Lutheran Church, Rev. Robert W. Koons D. D. penned a hymn whose words are sung to the tune of My Country Tis of Thee or God Bless Our Native Land (ELW 891). It appeared in Friday's Gettysburg Times. This indeed is an appropriate prayer for our new president. God bless our president, Uphold his high intent To rule aright-- Our nation's good pursue, Hope of world peace renew, All humankind to view As in Your sight. Your gracious Spirit pour On him, we now implore-- Give him your aid. Unite us all to stand With helping, serving hand. What You for earth have planned Be here displayed. In the copy given to us at church, each line of the above was explained from a theological perspective by the author. A fellow seminarian thought it was the best hymn we sang yesterday. Lord in your mercy...hear our prayer. flickr pictures