
Overwhelming, Relentless Grace

Throughout the passage Ezekiel 36:28-38 , I see God’s overwhelming, relentless grace in dealing with his wayward, rebellious people. He is doing all the work! Look at how many times “I” is used: “…the land I gave… I will be your God” (v. 28). “I will save… I will call” (v. 29). “I will increase” (v. 30). “I want you to know” (v. 32). “I cleanse…I…resettle) (v. 33). “I have rebuilt…I…have spoken…I will do it” (v. 36). “I will yield…I will make” (v. 37). “I am the Lord” (v. 38). In verse 36 alone it is God who rebuilds what was destroyed and replants what was desolate. He has spoken and he will do it. This is a concept I cannot escape. Our works are not good enough to win us salvation or to make us any better Christians. I have a better grasp now of why Luther was so excited by the revelation of his own inability. True restoration and change is nothing broken humanity can accomplish. Though made in the image of God, that image is tarnished by sin. Salvation and sa

Wait and Pray Friday 5

Sally created this week's Friday Five, posted over at RevGalBlogPals : Part of the Ascension Day Scripture from Acts 11 contains this promise from Jesus; "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Then he was taken from their sight into the clouds, two angels appeared and instructed the probably bewildered disciples to go back to Jerusalem, where they began to wait and to pray for the gift Jesus had promised. Prayer is a joy to some of us, and a chore to others, waiting likewise can be filled with anticipation or anxiety.... So how do you wait and pray? 1. How do you pray best, alone or with others? It depends on the kind of prayer: worship, intercession, etc. In the morning I have my alone time in prayer, which I cherish. Without it, the day doesn't seem to go right. Before bed, my husband and I pray together for each other, our family, frie

Servant Leadership

Jesus exemplified servant leadership, the name being coined from this statement, “…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26, Today’s New International Version). Lussier and Achua define it as “leadership that transcends self-interest to serve the needs of others, by helping them grow professionally and personally” (Lussier & Achua, 2007, p. 515). The lack of self-interest distinguishes it from transformational leadership (Winston & Patterson, 2005, p. 26). In challenging the process, enabling others to act or encouraging the heart, the only way to be sure of acting as a servant leader is to be in close communion with God, asking ourselves, “Whose approval are we seeking?” This morning in reading 1 Thessalonians 2, I was struck by these few words “approved by God” (1 Thessalonians 2:4, New Revised Standard Version). Paul’s focus was “pleas[ing] God who tests our hearts” (4b) (Gauvin, 2008). It must flow from relationship with God bec

Incarnational Living: How does this play out?

Parts of the lectionary readings from Tues. really got me thinking. I could not decide which reading to meditate on. Something in each one grabbed me. Ps. 149:4 regarding the Lord's pleasure in his people, Exodus 40:38 -- God's presence with the people through each part of the journey, and 1 Thessalonians 4:10-12 with its instructions on how to live incarnational lives. So these bits from the readings all seem interconnected. I had a great diagram of this in Word, but don't know how to add it here, so just imagine a cycle of the above in a circle: 1. God's delight in us. 2. His presence every stage of our journey. 3. Living an incarnational lifestyle--bearing witness of his presence in our lives, and then back to #1 bringing us full circle. Speaking of full circle, remember what we read from Acts on Sunday? Ah yes, the all too familiar story of Stephen's stoning. Martyrdom was the stage of the journey where Stephen found his Lord's presence. He bore witn

This Rocked Me

You ever read something and you know you've been nailed--those thoughts, actions, feelings that we don't like to admit to, well...we have to own up to them. Please read this article at Gifted for Leadership and you too may be rocked. What do you think? My husband's reaction was that person should not even be considering ministry. I don't know, I think she was just being very honest about those things we'd like to pretend we wouldn't feel or do. Picture from klikr.

Another kind of stewardship

Stewardship is frequently equated with giving money at church, but reaches far beyond that concept alone. Often we've heard the three t's: time, talent, and treasure. One of our great treasures is this wonderful earth we live in. Thanks to Mark Daniels for posting this and bringing it to our attention. from markdaniels.blogspot posted with vodpod

The Reformers and Islam

While working in Bethlehem in the 1980s with Project Redemption, we came to understand Islam as a Christian cult. Mohammad had gotten only a Nestorian view of Christianity. It was an incomplete picture. Mon. night at a Bible study/study of the Lutheran confessions at Emanuel , we watched a video taped lecture of Tim Wengert, on the confessions. Muslims are mentioned (called Mohammedens) in Article 1 of the Augsburg Confession , along with some other groups. Dr. Wengert explained Islam is considered a christogical heresy. I felt like I was back in Bethlehem! Even Luther and Melancthon viewed Islam as a Christian cult. Though we are divided on the person of Christ, we have numerous commonalities from which to build bridges. Picture from Photo Galerie German Fulbright.