
A Place for Prayer: Sunday Prayer: Easter 3A

A Place for Prayer: Sunday Prayer: Easter 3A

progressive involvement: Why theology is, or should be, a secondary concern

Amen. progressive involvement: Why theology is, or should be, a secondary concern

A Place for Prayer: For Victims and Perpetrators of Injustice

A Place for Prayer: For Victims and Perpetrators of Injustice

St. Brendan the Voyager - The Journey Prayer - The Journey with Jesus

Amen. St. Brendan the Voyager - The Journey Prayer - The Journey with Jesus

Bob Robinson

I came to appreciate Moltmann last year in Theologies of the Cross at LTSG. Take a look at this post of Bob Robinson's based on Moltmann's writing. Bob Robinson

Red Letter Christians » Whose Death Does God Cheer?

A perspective on the death of Osama bin Laden. Red Letter Christians » Whose Death Does God Cheer?

I've graduated to...

sinusitis and bronchitis. What started out as allergies and asthma has crossed the line to sinusitis and bronchitis. I saw the doctor today because I was feeling worse, coughing more, and this morning my voice was like a basso profundo. LTSGers would know the kind of voice I had as sounding like Jack Delk's. I know when I get to that marker, that I need to be seen. At this point I sound worse than I feel. The doctor has me on Prednisone and an antibiotic. So...that's the news from internship in Petersburg, where the vicar is sick, the vicar's spouse is coughing, and everything is blooming. A full week lay ahead, so I appreciate your prayers for wisdom when to rest and when to keep pressing on. Thank you. Google Images