
Showing posts from December 30, 2007

A new website!

The New England Synod of the Women of the ELCA now has its own website!. There you will find links to events that you missed, current happenings, as well as up coming events. Check My list on the sidebar. The url is It's a very user friendly and informative site. Please check it out.

New Year's Time Killers Inventory

This is a very interesting post located at Powered by ScribeFire .

How do we "Create a Culture of Mentorship?"

I was just reading this post on the "Gifted for Leadership" blog, "Create a Culture of Mentorship." In this area, how are we doing as a church? It seems that this is part of our call. If we are to "make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28:19), isn't mentoring a large part of making disciples and helping those disciples to grow? What do/don't your churches do in this area? Thursday evening our Christian Education Committee will be working on a mentoring program for our confirmands. Any suggestions? Powered by ScribeFire .