The Voice
We've all heard the voice. You know: the one a parent uses and you know y0u're in trouble now. Or the unmistakable voices of Barry White or James Earl Jones. Or the friend's voice when there so much brokenness in your life, family, marriage and no one can do anything to fix it, but just hearing the love and concern in that voice somehow helps. Psalm 29:3-9 ( ) speaks of God's voice. " The voice of the Lord is over the waters... is powerful... full of majesty... breaks the cedars... flashes forth flames of fire... shakes the wilderness... causes the oaks to whirl... strips the forests bare." The psalmist here speaks of a strong voice. Sometimes we need that strength when we are weak. It is the voice of the God who speaks things into being...of the eternal Word incarnated among us. It's important to recognize the voice we are hearing. Parents know their child's voic...