Love is the Framework
This is the sermon I preached at St. Timothy Lutheran Church on Sunday, 9/1/l9. The text is Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16. Hebrews presents quite a picture for us in our second lesson. The framework of the picture is mutual love; meaning the building of solidarity in relationships. This is played out in the actions the church is called to. For love to be mutual, it must happen in community. The church is the community of mutual love. Hospitality is the first action within the framework of mutual love. Can you imagine the people you extend welcome to being angels? You might think of some people being that, but others? This recalls the Old Testament example of Abraham’s hospitality to three visitors (Gen. 18:1-5), who ended up being angels with a message for Abraham. Who are the angels of our time? Could they be immigrant children or those who have been bullied or victims of racism or other isms? Could our angel be a political or theological opponent with whom we pause long enough...