Marching Orders

This is the message I preached at St. Timothy Lutheran Church , Nov. 14, 2021. The gospel text was Mark 13:1-8. Ray and I like language, especially alliteration. I couldn’t help but see this gospel text that way, consisting of 1. Wow, vv. 1-2, When and What, vv. 3-3-4 and Warning and Worry, vv. 5-8. Ray is from RI and we lived there for 5 years before moving to Gettysburg for seminary. In R. I., I encountered something new, the gawk factor. This happens when you are driving along a highway and for no apparent reason, the traffic stops. Nothing is happening on your side of the highway, but on the side going in the opposite direction, a car has stopped. There is an accident. Everyone stops to see what has happened and if it involves a friend or family member. Like a big, small town, everybody knows everybody and if you don’t know the person involved, someone you know will know them! On the radio, this stopping to see what is going on is called t...