My inability/God's ability: Ezekiel 11:14-21
For my undergrad class on the prophets, this week’s exegesis was on Ezekiel 11:14-21 , pitting the self-righteous Jerusalemites against the exiles in Babylon . The more I read, the richer this text became. Several things particularly struck me. The word of the Lord through Ezekiel for the exiles is one of overwhelming grace. Ezekiel was at the point of despair in verse 13, asking if the remnant were to be destroyed. This passage full of mercy, love and grace is God’s answer. The remnant in exile (verses 19-20) “will be renewed spiritually, so … they will be God’s obedient people … from the heart … an echo of Jeremiah’s New Covenant idea (Jer. 31:31-34). [1] That renewal is wrought “by virtue of an unanticipated and unmerited act of grace.” [2] God will: regather them (v.17a), restore them to the land (v.17b), cleanse the land of abominations (v. 18), and fulfill a new covenant with them (vv. 19-20). [3] The remnant and true sanctuary being with the exiles corresponds to the...