...but I like hellos

As I said in my previous post, I really dislike saying good-bye, but I do love "hellos." I cannot help myself being the extrovert I am. The hellos to Petersburg, WV began Tues. as we arrived in town. We had dinner with my supervisor and his wife, which was a wonderful time of food and fellowship. Wed. our things arrived. We got to say hello to the stuff that had been in storage. Then the unpacking started as we tried/try to figure out where everything should live in the parsonage, our home for a year. One of the highlights of unpacking for me was being reunited with our 12 cup coffee maker. I was so excited that the next morning, the first thing I did was brew a pot of coffee. As it was brewing I had the realization that I had no cream/half and half/powdered creamer of any type or variety. For Ray and me coffee cannot be enjoyed without cream...so the adventure began. Since we only knew a few places in town, like 7-11 and Sheetz, I wondered about the best place to buy c...