
Showing posts from January 11, 2009

Taizé - A Jew’s prayer for the children of Gaza

Yesterday in our J-term class on music and spiritual formation, there was a presentation by a woman who had been to the Taize community in France. Regarding the numerous languages and cultures touched by this movement, she drew our attention to a prayer written by a Jewish rabbi for the children of Gaza. Please read it at this link. Taizé - A Jew’s prayer for the children of Gaza We used it during our intercessions at compline last night. Today's appointed psalm caught my attention with a verse that certainly speaks to the situation, "For the Lord hears the needy, and does not despise his own that are in bonds" (Psalm 69:33). Lord in your mercy... flickr picture

NRSV--Getting the Boot

No, not the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, but the new revised standard version of treatment for my inflamed Achilles tendon. That is my NRSV. When the physical therapist referred to a boot, this is not what I envisioned. I only have to wear it when walking and I have to say that walking is less painful than before. I’ll be wearing it for 2-3 weeks. I do feel a bit like a peg-legged pirate when I walk though.ARRR! boot and pirate pictures