This was my sermon for Transfiguration, preached at St. Timothy Lutheran Church You’re likely familiar with the expression, “Seeing is believing.” As Jesus is transfigured, Peter, James and John get a double dose of seeing. Are you ready? Lights, camera, action! First there is the fantastic light show, with special guests Moses and Elijah. Concerning audio, Peter, James and John heard the voice of God from the cloud that enveloped them. The voice told them Jesus was God’s Son, the beloved and they were to listen to him. This was enough to knock them off their feet! What a lot to see and hear! But it wasn’t the seeing of all these things that produced faith and believing in the disciples. Seeing was not believing until…well, we’ll get to that. Peter was babbling on and on, wanting to engage in a building project; three hut-like “memorials.” The only one impressed with the idea was Peter. Neither Moses, Elijah nor Jesus encouraged Peter in this endeavor. In fact, the not...