
Showing posts with the label salt

Please Pass the Salt.

This is the sermon I preached at St. Timothy Lutheran Church last Sunday, 2/9/20. The gospel text was Matthew 5:13-20 . Some people can put together all kinds of things and make wonderful, flavorful soup. I cannot. Now, I can make a great cream of broccoli or cauliflower soup because I have a good recipe. But to just throw it all together…something is always missing—is it this or that spice or do I need more salt? Today’s gospel continues the Sermon on the Mount, following the Beatitudes. Today, Jesus expands on the call to discipleship. The metaphors of salt and light set the terms of their calling. Jesus told his disciples, “You ARE the salt of the earth.” What does that make you think of? Don’t we know people whom we describe in such terms? They are reliable, good people who would do anything for anyone. Jesus did not tell his disciples they would BECOME salt or that they are SUPPOSED to be salt but said they ARE salt. This is a descriptive statement of the disciples’ ...

Be Who You Already Are

  This Sunday's sermon was from Matthew 5:13-20. I shared it with my congregation, Bethel Lutheran Church in Portville, NY.  At times in our lives we may wonder who we are and what our lives are all about. Have you ever heard the slogan, “Be all that you can be!” You think the U. S. Army is original in that? They’re paraphrasing a thought that Jesus told his disciples 2000 years ago. This questioning may be more common with youth, but I suspect adults as well look at themselves and wonder about who they really are. Jesus does not mince words in today’s gospel. Jesus is not giving a cooking lesson when he teaches about salt. Nor is Jesus giving a lesson on safety as he talks about light. The issue at hand is Jesus’ followers, who they are and how their lives can manifest God’s reign in this world. Salt was common yet essential in life It was not only a spice used for flavoring, it was a preservative. Is it any wonder that salt became associated with God’s...

Prayer for Sunday

Thanks to Rev Abi for this morning's prayer. Lord, Come be the salt in our life that we then can be the salt in other’s lives. Lord, Teach us how to not be stumbling blocks in the little one’s lives. Lord, teach us to accept each other even though we are different in our practices and our form of worship and church government. Lord, Teach us to be the salt that this world needs. Lord, help us in our walk to be your disciples. Lord remind us it is for such a time as this that you have called us to be your disciples, to spread the salt of your grace and love in this world. Lord remind us to spread your hope in a world that sometimes feels hopeless. Amen flickr photo