Altered By Disruption
This is the sermon I preached Sunday at St. Timothy Lutheran Church . The gospel was John 2:13-22 . Have you ever wondered if Jesus really felt what you feel when he was living on earth? How human was he? Any of you? In this week’s gospel, we see that he certainly experienced anger. It seems that Jesus needs an intervention in anger management. Did Jesus let his emotions get the best of him? Is Jesus overreacting? Is John's purpose of including this story to emphasize Jesus' humanity? There are lots of questions we should be asking about this passage of scripture. In our series of being Altered by the Spirit, today we’ll look at being Altered by Disruption. Jesus delighted in disrupting business as usual. John writes, “…in the temple he found people selling” (v. 14). Can you imagine what it would be like if we found our sanctuary full of loud people, smelly animals and merchants making a profit off of those who came to worship? Wouldn't we be incensed at such inappropr...