Three Little Words
This is the sermon I preached on Sunday 2/23/20 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church . The gospel was Matthew 17:1-9. The season of Epiphany begins and ends with a heavenly voice in Jesus’ baptism and Transfiguration, making Jesus known to the world. After all, Epiphany means “to make known.” The Transfiguration marks the midpoint in a series of scenes that define who Jesus is. At both his baptism and transfiguration, we hear the heavenly voice announcing that he is God’s Son. At his temptation, in Gethsemane and at his crucifixion, Jesus struggles with the humiliation, suffering and abandonment that he, as God’s Son, must endure. Finally, the resurrected Christ claims his identity, sending his disciples out to teach and baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Judith Jones, It’s easy to get caught up in the special effects in movies and other stories. Such things can either enhance or distract from the story line. There ar...