
Showing posts from March 20, 2011

Addicted to “Answers” |

I'm so guilty. My internship supervisor keeps reminding me to ask questions, to just be curious. Addicted to “Answers” |

A Peculiar Prophet: There Once Was a World by Peter L. Steinke

A Peculiar Prophet: There Once Was a World by Peter L. Steinke

How Should Christians Respond to Uprisings in the Arab World? - Alex Awad - God's Politics Blog

How Should Christians Respond to Uprisings in the Arab World? - Alex Awad - God's Politics Blog

Should Christians Support the Bombing of Libya? : Jonathan Merritt

What do you think? Should Christians Support the Bombing of Libya? : Jonathan Merritt

Weavings Newsletter

Please check out this wonderful newsletter on prayer. I particularly like the third item "Prayer of Thanksgiving." May you be blessed. Weavings Newsletter

A Place for Prayer: Lenten thoughts...

A Place for Prayer: Lenten thoughts...

Rev Abi's Long and Winding Road: Prayer for Lent 2a

Rev Abi's Long and Winding Road: Prayer for Lent 2a