This is the sermon I preached on Reformation Sunday, 10/27/19 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. The text is John 8:31-36 . As I was preparing for worship today, there was a song was going through my mind, one I don’t even like. It’s “Freedom” by Richie Havens. I guess it has stayed with me because of the repetition of the word “freedom.” Some of the other lyrics are haunting as well: “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child” and “ Sometimes I feel like I'm almost gone.” But of course, what is remembered the most is the word “freedom” that echoes throughout. As Americans, freedom is a concept we’re very familiar with. We fought for freedom from the British to form our own nation. Throughout our history, we have fought on behalf of others for their freedom from oppression. We have parades on various patriotic holidays to help us celebrate our liberty from oppression. We know a lot about freedom… or do we? Just what is the kind of free...
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