
Showing posts from May 11, 2014

Jesus Transforms the Fearful

This is the message I preached to God's people at Bethel Lutheran Church in Portville, NY on Sunday, April 27. The text is John 20:19-31.  Let’s use our imaginations today as we look at today’s gospel reading. We’re going to jump into a time machine and go back to Jerusalem later in the day after the resurrection. How do you think we’re going to find the disciples? Are they going to be ecstatic? Are they going to be boldly walking around the temple area telling the Pharisees, “We told you so. He’s baaaaaaaaaaack.” Were they telling everyone they met that Jesus is risen? Were they spreading the news and the faith?  No. They were hidden in the large room behind locked doors scared out of their wits. Would we be in any better shape? Just a few days before, their master and Lord was crucified. Yes, he rose on that Sunday morning—we know that, the women who went to the tomb know that, but just because some women had told the disciples about it doesn’t necessarily mean ...

Eating with Jesus

This is the sermon I preached on the Third Sunday of Easter at Bethel Lutheran Church. I got behind in posting because of all the catching up I had to do from being sick. The sermon is based on the gospel of Luke 24:13-35. We all have times in life in which we experience disappointment.   We weren’t accepted at the school of our dreams. The job we had hoped for was given to someone else. Relationships within our family are strained. Loved ones are sick. Each of us could easily come up with a laundry list of disappointments we’ve experienced. In today’s gospel, we meet two discouraged, disheartened and disappointed disciples on the way to Emmaus. We are not sure why they are heading to Emmaus. One possibility is that after all the activities surrounding the death of Jesus on Good Friday, that these two disciples were probably just going home.  Cleopas and his companion were in deep discussion. The Greek implies that they were not only talking; they were “examini...

Got My Mojo Back

I've gotten way behind in my postings. I have been sick with bronchitis, asthma and junk since just before Holy Week. Finally, I am well and have my mojo back. I experienced the way illness can affect all parts of our lives. including enthusiasm for ministry. Anyway, this is the sermon I preached this past Sunday, Good Shepherd Sunday at Bethel Lutheran Church, Portville, NY.   I will be posting the previous weeks' sermons as well a little later.This sermon is based on John 10:1-10.  In the 1980s, my family and I lived in the Holy Land, in Bethlehem. We had the opportunity to observe many shepherds herding their sheep. Some gently and carefully led their sheep. Others drove the sheep, angrily hitting them with a rod. The good shepherds stood out.  Throughout scripture, the image of a shepherd is a positive one. God, kings, Moses and other leaders are described as shepherds in their care of the people. A few minutes ago, we heard this imagery in the 23 rd Psa...