This is the sermon I preached on 1/14 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. The text is John 1:43-51 . The other day I was in the grocery store. I noticed a couple wearing Bills regalia and decided to say to them, “Go Bills.” They smiled and responded in kind, “Go Bills.” Because they identified themselves as fans, we were able to identify each other and greet each other as fans. They displayed their identity and I saw it. I wonder how often we display our faith, not so much by t shirts and colors as by our actions. Others can then see Jesus in us. Sight is key in John’s gospel. In fact, the number of times it’s coupled with “come” is impressive. We hear “Come and see:” A) When Jesus begins his ministry B) When the woman at the well returns to her hometown to invite others. C) When they bring Jesus to Lazarus' tomb D) When they find Jesus on the cross E) When they come to the empty tomb. Today's gospel passage is found at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. We use the words ...