
Showing posts with the label breaking of bread

Eating with Jesus

This is the sermon I preached on the Third Sunday of Easter at Bethel Lutheran Church. I got behind in posting because of all the catching up I had to do from being sick. The sermon is based on the gospel of Luke 24:13-35. We all have times in life in which we experience disappointment.   We weren’t accepted at the school of our dreams. The job we had hoped for was given to someone else. Relationships within our family are strained. Loved ones are sick. Each of us could easily come up with a laundry list of disappointments we’ve experienced. In today’s gospel, we meet two discouraged, disheartened and disappointed disciples on the way to Emmaus. We are not sure why they are heading to Emmaus. One possibility is that after all the activities surrounding the death of Jesus on Good Friday, that these two disciples were probably just going home.  Cleopas and his companion were in deep discussion. The Greek implies that they were not only talking; they were “examini...