Christ the King
This is the sermon that was preached on Sunday, 11/26, Christ the King Sunday at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. It's a collaboration between parishioner Trish Pecuch and myself. The text was Matthew 25:31-46. Today is Christ the King Sunday! I have to admit, until Pastor Ivy mentioned it to me, I didn’t know really know anything about the occasion! Christ the King Sunday is a newer addition to the church’s liturgical calendar- marking the last Sunday of the church year- Next week, the first Sunday of Advent, begins a new church year. It was created in 1925- (when the world was in turmoil) in response to increased secularism and atheism. With WWI having just taken place, and many world dictators in the picture throughout Europe, Russia, and Mexico- Christ the King Sunday was created to remind the church- that it belongs to Jesus- not to the world or the authority of any other person, country, or force---that Jesus’ authority is the only one that should...