Friday Five: What You Absolutely, Positively, Can't Leave Home Without

Singing Owl, one of the Revgals asks this for the Friday Five: what are the five things you simply must have when you are away from home? And why? Any history or goofy things, or stories? We travel pretty light for road trips, as much as possible. Most have been trips to Rochester to see my daughter, granddaughter, and friends. However, next week at this time, the moving van will be here loading up everything for the biggest and most life altering road trip we've had in our five years of marriage--the trip to the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg. One of the best parts of this particular trip is that it will begin on our 5th wedding annivarsary. So much for background. Five things I simply must have when away from home: 1. Clothes--the why is pretty obvious. 2. Toiletries--deodorant, shampoo etc.--again an obvious why--who'd want to be around me? 3. A place to stay halfway through the trip. From our current home to Rochester we always broke the trip in Albany. I ...