The Secret Lives of Dogs
Abby (L) Amity (R) I've done lots of writing about Abby and Amity and posted pictures of other similar looking dogs. Now that I have a digital camera here they are! Amity & Ray Amity is doing a fine job as a guide dog and Abby is doing a fine job of holding down the rug in retirement and loving the freedom of being fussed over by everyone. For her it's open season for petting. And since being here at seminary where there are lots of dogs, they have boyfriends or should I say dogfriends. The first is Gus, a huge, gentle giant of a Pit Bull. Abby met him first. After Amity joined the family, she liked him also. When the girls see Gus, their whole demeanor changes like teenagers seeing a rock star. Their faces light up, their tales start wagging. It's like they're saying, "He's here!" The problem was, both gi...