RevGals Fri. 5
Weekly, RevGalBlogPals has a meme for us. This is the first I've actually participated in and is very apt for this time in my life. Let me know your responses to the following. Mine are. 1. How important is the "big picture" to you, do you need a glimpse of the possibilities or are you a details person? Primarily a big picture person who doesn't worry about the details, sometimes even though I should. 2. If the big picture is important to you how do you hold onto it in the nitty gritty details of life? Lots of prayer and communication with friends who help me keep on track, particularly if I am comparing myself with others too much and second guessing myself. 3. Name a book, poem, psalm, piece of music that transports to to another dimension ( one....what am I thinking....) "I am a Servant." 4.Thinking of physical views, is there somewhere that inspires you, somewhere that you breathe more easily? When I'm sitting, reclining on the swing on our deck. I...