The God of Angel Armies

This is the sermon I preached on Michael and All Angels, Sunday, 9/29/19 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church . The text was Luke 10:17-20. Since the fifth century, there has been a festival dedicated to the honor of the archangel Michael. The focus of the day has broadened to include thanksgiving for all the angels, seen as messengers of the word and will of God. On this festival day, we hear about demons, Satan falling from heaven, the “power of the enemy,” and the submission of spirits. There is a whole realm of spiritual beings that is assumed. In this case, those related to evil. The other lessons for today speak about Michael and the other angels in this other realm. This gospel text begins and ends with joy. It is joy that characterized the disciples’ experience. Their joy foreshadows the joy they’d experience at the resurrection (24:41, 52). The phrase “in your name,” used by the seventy, indicates the sphere of authority for their work of exorcism. It also signifies thei...