
Showing posts from December 26, 2010

Phillip (But not Melanchthon): Friday and a thought from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Thanks to Phil for this apt reminder as we reflect upon 2010. Thanks be to God. Phillip (But not Melanchthon): Friday and a thought from Dietrich Bonhoeffer : "'So at the end of this year we want to talk about every week, about every hour that has passed. We want to go to prayer with this word until..."

Can "Church" Happen Online? : Jonathan Merritt

What do you think about this? Can "Church" Happen Online? : Jonathan Merritt

Presence, Place, and Promise

This is the message I preached yesterday at Grace Lutheran Church , my internship site. The text is Matthew 2:13-23. Didn’t yesterday’s dusting of snow make everything look so clean and white outside? It seemed picture perfect. We can hear, “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas” in our heads. The time we’ve been waiting for has arrived. It’s finally Christmas! It’s so wonderful to be with family and friends. And if children are part of the mix, don’t you just love the joy and wonder they bring to this time of year? It’s so special. It seems like all is well with the world…at least for some of us.             Others dread this season—the memories stirred up of loved ones now gone, of broken relationships, of missed opportunities, the sheer loneliness of outliving your friends and family.   This can be a time of depression and sadness as well.             That which is a ti...