
Showing posts with the label gospel

Prayer for Sunday

Thanks to Rev Abi for this morning's prayer. Lord, Come be the salt in our life that we then can be the salt in other’s lives. Lord, Teach us how to not be stumbling blocks in the little one’s lives. Lord, teach us to accept each other even though we are different in our practices and our form of worship and church government. Lord, Teach us to be the salt that this world needs. Lord, help us in our walk to be your disciples. Lord remind us it is for such a time as this that you have called us to be your disciples, to spread the salt of your grace and love in this world. Lord remind us to spread your hope in a world that sometimes feels hopeless. Amen flickr photo

Now I Get It (at least for the moment)...

Week after week the workload in seminary seems undo able. I haven't posted anything lately because I, like others, have hardly come up for air from the piles on our desks of books and papers. Week after week I am stressed about whether or not I will get everything done that must be done. I'm not always sure (well, yeah I am) how everything gets done, but it does. This time I even tried to work ahead to no avail in preparation for guests. My daughter and granddaughter visited this weekend from Rochester, NY. There was tons to be done, but I was determined to be as present and in the moment with them as possible. I did have to do some work for teaching parish, but most of my time was spent with them. And it's a good thing because they arrived sick and needing lots of TLC. Sunday they were totally out of it, so Ray stayed home and gave them lots of love while I went to Rural Lutheran. They had perked up a bit while I was gone, but were still pretty out of it. I am so gra

Four Iraqi Christians

There are differing opinions on the war in Iraq. Please read this short post on Jim Wallis' "God's Politics" blog. Let us keep God's church in Iraq in prayer as they generously, lavishly spread the seed of the Word as today's gospel declared. Lord in your mercy... Picture from flickr .