
Love, Love, Love

This is what I preached on Sunday, April 22 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church . The text was the second lesson, 1 John 3:16-24 .  Last week we talked about being witnesses by verbally sharing our faith. This week, we celebrate Jesus the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep. The reading from 1 John can be summed up in one word: click here . Yes, that's right--love. Today’s emphasis is on the importance of actions over words.  In today’s reading from 1 John, we see love exemplified, love enacted and love rewarded. Concerning love exemplified, John writes, “This is how we’ve come to understand and experience love…” (v. 16). What is the “this?” It is the love that was demonstrated by and has its model in Jesus, who sacrificed his life for us. He loved others to “completion” or “perfection” in his decision to sacrifice himself on behalf of others. Jesus is the One held up as the great exemplifier of love. In the gospel reading, Jesus speaks of laying down his l...

Prepared and Sent

This is the sermon I preached on Sunday, April 15 at St. Timothy Lutheran Church. The text is  Luke 24:36b-48 . Today ’ s gospel reading is the third resurrection appearance and yet, the disciples are still afraid and doubtful. How in the world can God use these people to spread His word throughout the world? The good news is that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Jesus did not reproach his doubtful disciples, but empowered them to witness to all God had done.    No matter how bright and learned one may be, it does not mean that he or she is ready to share the faith. We see that Jesus here commissioned his disciples and that ’ s really exciting. However, they still needed more preparation. You would think the three years they had spent with Jesus would have been more than enough to make them ready.    Before Jesus sends his followers into all the world, he proves that he is risen from the dead, he opens the disciples ’  min...