
Devotion for Wednesday - Google Docs

Thanks to Dave Westphal for this challenging devotion. Devotion for Wednesday - Google Docs

Oh What a Week!!!

This past week was the most amazing Holy Week I have ever experienced. Considering I spent a number of them in the Holy Land, that's really saying something. I have never been so involved in the planning and participation of the services. Although I'm not yet a pastor, the experiences I've had during internship have whetted my appetite even more to be doing this for the rest of my life. According to Frederick Buechner, vocation is “the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet" With the tiredness, yet the high of Holy Week following me into this week, these words describe this job, work, vocation of serving God and God's people more than ever. I experienced this today as I made my weekly trek to Winchester, VA for physical therapy. It's an hour and a half drive one way. Winchester Hospital is just down the road, so I've been able to combine physical therapy days and hospital visits. Today's visits were especially poignant

The Light of Christ...This is the Night...

We celebrated the Easter Vigil tonight at Grace Lutheran Church in Petersburg, WV.   I have participated in a number of Vigil services, but this is the first time I have been on the planning side. Many months ago, Pr. Larry asked Ray to do the Easter Proclamation or Exsultet part of the service, which is a lengthy chanted section. He has been rehearsing daily since that time and did a fine job tonight.  It is also the first time in several years that Grace has celebrated the Vigil. To some, it was the first time ever. Many participated in various ways to make this a rich reminder of all that God has done throughout salvation history. One of the members built the fire that began our time together. Others were lectors declaring the Word (we did only 4 Old Testament readings), others were ushers, and we had a wonderful organist as well.  It was a joyful excursion from the tomb to the celebration of resurrection. Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Google Images

RevGalBlogPals: Good Friday: My Song is Love Unknown

Thank you Mary Beth--one of my favorite hymns. RevGalBlogPals: Good Friday: My Song is Love Unknown

Telling Stories and Learning Faith: life under construction: Thoughts for Good Friday

Telling Stories and Learning Faith: life under construction: Thoughts for Good Friday

journalling: The things he carried - The amazing love of God

Thank you Liz. This says it all. journalling: The things he carried - The amazing love of God

What if?