
A good night's sleep

I came home yesterday morning from Kent Regency Rehab. I had not slept well since the surgery. At rehab, I would just doze off, and in would come someone for blood work or my vital signs. Last night, sleeping in my own bed with my husband was therapeutic in and of itself. For the first time I could comfortably sleep on my left and right sides--which I like to do. This morning the visiting nurse came and opened my case. She declared me "perfect," the easiest case she's ever opened. She could not believe the shape I'm in. "But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Cor 15:57). The pain is negligible and I am looking forward to getting caught up on everything.

Homeward bound

Good news! This afternoon I found out I am going home Friday!! I am excited. It's the small things that excite me: sleeping in our bed, not being awakened to have my vital signs checked at 4 a. m., coffee when I want it etc. that make the difference. And of course, the best is being home with Ray and Abby. It will be much easier to catch up on school work I am behind on from home as well. Everyone here at Kent Regency has been wonderful. The care has been fantastic. The staff's understanding and sympathy is abundant as we struggle with pain and frustration. Everyone here asks how I feel about going home, any concerns, questions? My biggest concern is my own ability to faithfully do my home program of exercises. By his grace, I am able. There's a certain nostalgia we all feel about returning home whenever we've been away for a time. Jesus' words in the gospel of John are a good reminder for me, for all of us when we experience those times of insecurity and fear. ...

A prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas

Scot McKcKnight over at Jesus Creed ( posted this great prayer this morning. Sometimes my mind feels like mush. Especially since surgery and rehab, I find it difficult to focus at times. A traditional students' prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, Divine Creator, true source of light and fountain of wisdom! Pour forth your brilliance upon my dense intellect, dissipate the darkness which covers me, that of sin and of ignorance. Grant me a penetrating mind to understand, a retentive memory, method and ease in learning, the lucidity to comprehend, and abundant grace in expressing myself. Guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to successful completion. This I ask through Jesus Christ, true God and true man, living and reigning with You and the Father, forever and ever. Amen. That says it all. Powered by ScribeFire .

Report: After rehab week 1 or where did that Mac truck come from?

I have been making great progress with rehab after a total knee replacement. In one week, I have gone from not being able to move my leg to permission to walk (with walker) unassisted throughout the facility. I can't help bur think of the Southwest ads, "You're now free to move about the country," or for me, the facility. Last week, I could not slide my heel toward me (aka doing a heel slide) and now I can get out of bed unassisted. A week ago, my leg bent 60 degrees out of 90 and now it's 76 out of 90 degrees. Progress does not come without pain, however. The big turning point was yesterday, which began with the Mac truck. With knee replacement, it's essential to get and keep the joint moving so it doesn't freeze. To accomplish that requires aggressive, often painful therapy. Yesterday as my PT Charlie was pushing to get that bend to where it needs to be, it involved pain like I have never experienced in my 52 years. I cried. Dear Charlie, along with tw...

God's faithfulness and cognitave dissonance

God is faithful. He does not require of us more than he gives us strength for. The reality of daily life sometimes makes us wonder. Case in point: I am struggling greatly to catch up on school work from last week when I was in the hospital and began rehab. The factors which have increased the difficulty of doing so are working around physical and occupational therapy (twice I lost some work on a lab for biology), exhaustion from therapy and pain meds, as well as visitors like my wonderful husband as well as friends. Among the blessings of my stay at Kent Regency Rehab has been meeting physical therapists Ed, Hunter and Charlie, wonderful fellow travelers in the journey of faith. In our conversations, I have been reminded of Don Moen's song, "God W ill Make a Way." In an online search of the words for Charlie, I came across this YouTube of it at Again I am reminded.

Emanuel and John 13:35

Witnessing the community of faith living the call of John 13:35, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another," is a thing of beauty. The church being Emanuel, God with us, is a reminder of his great love and faithfulness. During my hospital and rehab stay, we have been overwhelmed by the love of the good people of Emanuel Lutheran Church: meals, support, rides for Ray etc. Great is God's faithfulness and great is our gratitude to our church family.

Living Simply in Abundance

This is one of the most balanced, well thought out posts I've seen in a while on a Christian approach to poverty and living a simpler lifestyle. You will find it at . Powered by ScribeFire .