Homeward bound

Good news! This afternoon I found out I am going home Friday!! I am excited. It's the small things that excite me: sleeping in our bed, not being awakened to have my vital signs checked at 4 a. m., coffee when I want it etc. that make the difference. And of course, the best is being home with Ray and Abby. It will be much easier to catch up on school work I am behind on from home as well.

Everyone here at Kent Regency has been wonderful. The care has been fantastic. The staff's understanding and sympathy is abundant as we struggle with pain and frustration.

Everyone here asks how I feel about going home, any concerns, questions? My biggest concern is my own ability to faithfully do my home program of exercises. By his grace, I am able.

There's a certain nostalgia we all feel about returning home whenever we've been away for a time. Jesus' words in the gospel of John are a good reminder for me, for all of us when we experience those times of insecurity and fear.
"Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them" (John 14:23). We all need a security blanket at times.


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