
The Journey with Jesus: Edwina Gateley, Let Your God Love You

This week is graduation from seminary. This week I attend my last seminary classes. This week I can more fully engage in future dreaming and planning. It's easy to get all wound up in these activities and to forget what should be at the heart of our thoughts and actions. As I read this poem, I thought of the scripture passage,  “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10). I need that stillness in my heart. The Journey with Jesus: Edwina Gateley, Let Your God Love You

So what's my excuse?

It's been a while since I have posted anything. Much of what has been happening lately is very exciting, but the details are unsharable. I am a pastoral candidate for a church in New York State which is thrilling. I cannot tell you where and I don't know when everything will come together. I feel like I'm on a bullet train that has definitely left the station. The next step in the process will be meeting with the church council. Reading this piece by Henri Nouwen reminded me of the importance of writing. I do have something worth sharing and this is a time of my life unlike any other. There will never be another "first call" for me. Nouwen's piece is entitled Making Our Lives Available to Others . Click on the title and you'll be able to read it. May each of us make our lives available in a multitude of ways this week. Peace! Google Image

Joining the Resurrection People

"We are resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives" is the mission statement of the Upstate New York Synod, the synod to which I now belong. These words have been going through my mind especially now that it is Easter and we are celebrating the resurrection. This coming Sunday's gospel is from John 20:19-31 . As I have been reading, studying, and meditating upon it, I keep hearing that mission statement. Should our focus be on Thomas or should it be on what Jesus is doing? If we embrace this text in terms of God's action in Christ, then we will can be the kind of active resurrection people that God is calling us to be...and lives will change.

It's Getting Narrower

From this                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ...

I'm assigned to...

Region 7 , which for me is going back home. I'm originally from Rochester, NY, which is in the Upstate NY Synod. I lived in the New England Synod before coming to seminary. March 17-18, those of us assigned to Region 7 will meet with bishops from the region at the Philadelphia Seminary. We will have interviews with the bishops and from there will find out which synod we're assigned to. Google Image

Marked by Ashes

Special thanks to Dan Clendenin at Journey with Jesus for sharing this poem by one of my favorite theologians, Walter Brueggeman. Marked by Ashes Ruler of the Night, Guarantor of the day . . . This day — a gift from you. This day — like none other you have ever given, or we have ever received. This Wednesday dazzles us with gift and newness and possibility. This Wednesday burdens us with the tasks of the day, for we are already halfway home      halfway back to committees and memos,      halfway back to calls and appointments,      halfway on to next Sunday,      halfway back, half frazzled, half expectant,      half turned toward you, half rather not. This Wednesday is a long way from Ash Wednesday,    but all our Wednesdays are marked by ashes —      we b...

Gospel in the dirt | Faith & Leadership

Gospel in the dirt | Faith & Leadership