Friday Five: Beach Trip
Those RevGals are such party animals.
So in honor of summer, please share your own beachy memories, plans, and dreams with a "Beach Trip" Friday Five.
1. Ocean rocks, lake limps? Vice versa? Or "it's all beautiful in its own way"? I enjoy being out in nature of all kinds, but prefer lakes to ocean. And even better, prefer a swimming pool.
2. Year round beach living: Heaven...or the Other Place? I'm not a real beach fan, but as long as there is shade, maybe it should be considered purgatory.
3. Any beach plans for this summer? None that I'm aware of. There is plenty of recuperation and packing for the move to Gettysburg with little, if any, vacation time.
4. Best beach memory ever? Our granddaughter's first steps into the Atlantic when she was an infant. She cried, but it was their first trip to see us in R. I., so it was special.
5. Fantasy beach trip? Hawaii sounds good.
Bonus: Share a piece of music/poetry/fi
lm/book that expresses something about what the beach means to you. This is a picture of sunrise on the Galilee in Israel. In the 80s we spent numerous vacations there while living in Bethlehem, which is still near and dear to our hearts. Secondly, Jesus spent lots of time on the beach with his buddies.
Picture from flickr.
So in honor of summer, please share your own beachy memories, plans, and dreams with a "Beach Trip" Friday Five.
1. Ocean rocks, lake limps? Vice versa? Or "it's all beautiful in its own way"? I enjoy being out in nature of all kinds, but prefer lakes to ocean. And even better, prefer a swimming pool.
2. Year round beach living: Heaven...or the Other Place? I'm not a real beach fan, but as long as there is shade, maybe it should be considered purgatory.
3. Any beach plans for this summer? None that I'm aware of. There is plenty of recuperation and packing for the move to Gettysburg with little, if any, vacation time.
4. Best beach memory ever? Our granddaughter's first steps into the Atlantic when she was an infant. She cried, but it was their first trip to see us in R. I., so it was special.
5. Fantasy beach trip? Hawaii sounds good.
Bonus: Share a piece of music/poetry/fi

Picture from flickr.
It was great fun. I don't think my Mom really liked it too much (the work involved in getting us there and back), but she was greatful at how tired us four kids were when we got home (she had a little peace and quiet for awhile)
Thanks for reminding me of carefree days at the beach, Ivy!
- Steve M.
PS - There is finally a link to Claimed, Gathered, and Sent on 'the old Adam' site...sorry for the delay, Ivy.