I've turned the corner and...

experienced a turning point recuperating from my knee replacement surgery. I have significantly less pain, am walking with one crutch (practicing with a cane), and am now cleared to drive--doing so for the first time today (on a road at least). Last week I experimented in the parking lot under the watchful eye of my physical therapist. Tomorrow I begin outpatient physical therapy.

When in pain, it is difficult to focus on anything but the pain. And we sometimes feel alone despite friends. Sunday's gospel was a pointed reminder that whether or not we're aware of it, God is with us, taking care of us, and we need not fear. By his grace our eyes are opened to his presence--sometimes in the most unexpected places. Thanks be to God.


Ivy said…
God's grace be with you in abundance, Singing Owl. Thanks for the affirmation. Peace.
Unknown said…
May healing continue!
Ivy said…
Thank you Songbird, and may that be your portion as well. Blessings.
Anonymous said…
Great news, Ivy!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the reminder that the Lord will provide for us all that we need.
Ivy said…
Thanks for your prayerful support, Steve. God bless.

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