Gettysburg via Garmin

We are grateful to family, friends, and Garmin for a successful move from RI to Gettysburg. The packing and preparing for the trip were a nightmare. If it wasn't for our family, we wouldn't have gotten on the road on time. We didn't have everything done when the movers arrived!!!!! Talk about stress.

There is nothing like the love of good friends to help you along the way. We were totally spent last Friday night and were privileged to spend it with some special friends. They made us sit down and relax and wonderfully took care of us. That was the first night I slept well in a very long time.

After a few errands, we were on the road Saturday, Aug. 2, which was our 5th wedding anniversary. Due to Garmin, the gps system, the trip was relaxing. She told us where, when, and onto which roads to turn. I could concentrate more on driving than looking for the next turn. It was a relaxing drive to our halfway point. After checking in to the hotel, we went out for a nice dinner.

Sunday we went to IHOP for breakfast, then continued our journey. We have now been in Gettysburg for one week and are feeling more at home. Regarding the journey thus far, "We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly" (1 Thessalonians 1:2). It is good to know we do not walk alone.

Pictures from.


Anonymous said…
Due to Garmin, the gps system, the trip was relaxing. She told us where, when, and onto which roads to turn.

love it that she's so helpful

oh and IHOP to me always means International House of Prayer ... not a bad place for breakfast eh? (grin)
Ivy said…
She was a good guide. I love your take on IHOP, International House of Prayer. That it was. Peace.

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