It Has Begun

Yesterday we began the cruise of Summer Greek, our prof's analogy for this intensive two week course. We even have an activities director! Not only will we work together, but we will also pray and play together. We worshiped in chapel, had a picnic last night (which Abby particularly enjoyed), worship Sunday, miniature golf next Saturday, etc.

Despite our fear and trepidation of a quiz on the first day of class, we all survived and even had some fun. The first session was introductory, the quiz, and work. After the break, we met in a large room in a circle to introduce ourselves in 4 minutes to our classmates and others. We each had to give our name, tell where we were from, what church/denomination, how God got us, and why we were at Gettysburg. Everyone's story was different, yet there were recurring themes that resonated with each of us: a sense of God's leading, circumstances, "It just felt right."

We are of various ages, from varied locations and backgrounds, but have been called to this place for this time of preparation. Our prof can tell after 2 weeks what our class will be like. Other professors after Summer Greek will ask him and he can accurately determine if the class will be cohesive or fragmented.

May God give each of us grace to answer his call and be supportive of our brothers and sisters in their calls. The time of infighting, bickering, and division must be done. Look at the fields. There is work to be done.

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Law+Gospel said…
Ivy, blessings to you as you begin your Summer Greek adventure. I hope you will find it is a time of bonding ( albeit at times bonding in the face of common adversity). I will see you on the 21st when I am leading chapel. PBWY
Ivy said…
Ah, then I will know who you are! I take it you're working on your CPE paper like the other middlers. It seems we have begun bonding in Greek, even though we've only been together for class since Fri. With the picnic, worship, and other activities; we are gelling. Blessings.
Anonymous said…
Good luck. I know you will do well.
Ivy said…
Thanks, David. So far, so good.
Pastor Eric said…
Good luck and have fun. Some of my closest friends in seminary came from summer Greek.

As for the bonding...during week three (of seven) we gathered for class 1/2 hour early one day to watch an episode of Veggie Tales. When our professor walked in 15 minutes before class, he just sat down and allowed us to finish watching the episode. It was a great bonding experience.
Ivy said…
Thanks for sharing, Pr. Eric. Our prof has told us stories of a number of couples that have met and subsequently married because of Summer Greek. Many of us have been gathering nightly for compline with others in the campus community, which has been great. Peace.

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