One down, one to go
We are now halfway through Summer Greek. My head has finally stopped spinning around long enough for me to write. Most of us in Greek class this morning had a case of scrambled brains. Our first exam was this past Fri. We studied hard for that and most everyone did well, including me. But by Fri. night, I didn't want to go near Greek...Sat. I made myself do a little...Sun. a little more...and finished the assignment this morning.
It seemed like I had poured everything I knew about Greek out of my head and onto that exam with nothing left. Many could not remember the simplest things we knew cold last week. But then we were reminded of the grace and love of God that continues to work and see us through--even through intensive, two sessions a day, quiz each morning Summer Greek. God's grace is sufficient. It is that which bears us up and carries us. Students that were in our shoes a year or more ago keep reminding us of this.
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It seemed like I had poured everything I knew about Greek out of my head and onto that exam with nothing left. Many could not remember the simplest things we knew cold last week. But then we were reminded of the grace and love of God that continues to work and see us through--even through intensive, two sessions a day, quiz each morning Summer Greek. God's grace is sufficient. It is that which bears us up and carries us. Students that were in our shoes a year or more ago keep reminding us of this.
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