All Creatures...

Last Friday, Abby once more had a chance to go to chapel, as a pet. As a community we celebrated St. Francis' day with a blessing of the animals. Pets included dogs, cats, fish, a gerbil, and a snake. All were quiet for the most part and very well behaved.

The homily reminded us how each animal is doing what it is created to do and thereby glorifies in Genesis where God pronounces "it was good."

Much of life in seminary revolves around discerning how we can faithfully live out our baptismal calling. For some that means preparation for the ministry of Word and sacrament, for others Word and service. But as Christ's followers, all of us, in or out of seminary, must daily keep our eye on the prize, just as Paul did, just as we heard in this past Sunday's epistle reading.

We need to be who God created us to be. By God's grace, may we too, glorify God in our daily lives as easily as our pets do.

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