Live toTestify!

The message of today's readings is abundantly clear. Phrases from Isaiah such as, "...bring good news to the oppressed," "...proclaim liberty to captives," and "...proclaim the year of the Lord's favor," are but the beginning of the the proclamation. The testimony continues in 1 Thessalonians with "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances..." And in the Gospel of John we hear of "...the man sent from God, whose name was John." He testified and was a witness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This morning as Pr. Steve preached, highlighting these themes, I had this song going through my mind like it was on a loop that constantly replayed.

What about us? Are such themes, proclamations, and words only for prophets and apostles to declare? In this world of pain and darkness, we too have good news to share and light to bring. God give us wisdom as to the myriad of ways we can testify to love.

Picture from Garden of Praise.


Anonymous said…
Great post, Ivy.

I especially love the title, "Live to Testify!"

That's what this whole Christian project is about...speaking of the One who has come to save us!

"Well...that's a little intolerant isn't it?"

No. That's a little loving. That's a lot of loving! For we all need saving and He is the only One that can do it.
Ivy said…
Thanks for dropping by, Steve.

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