Year in Review

I am following Songbird's example of doing a review of 2008 posts. It is a meme consisting of the first sentence of the first post for each month of 2008.
January--I was just reading this post on the "Gifted for Leadership" blog, "Create a Culture of Mentorship."
February--I came home yesterday morning from Kent Regency Rehab.
March--The first half of this semester has been difficult, to say the least.
April--We received some troubling news yesterday concerning a pastor friend.
May--Sally created this week's Friday Five, posted over at RevGalBlogPals: Part of the Ascension Day Scripture from Acts 11 contains this promise from Jesus;"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
June--I came home a week ago Sat. from rehab after knee replacement.
July--Sally at Rev Gals posted today's Friday Five.
August--We are grateful to family, friends, and Garmin for a successful move from RI to Gettysburg.
September--Please take a look at this post on Dream Awakener.
October--Last Friday, Abby once more had a chance to go to chapel, as a pet.
November--My thoughts on the meaning and importance of baptism as well as the mode and timing of one's baptism have changed significantly over the years.
December--Because yesterday was part of Thanksgiving weekend, I did not have teaching parish at Rural Lutheran.
Thanks be to God.


Ivy said…
No,I love teaching parish. It was nice to sit with Ray in a service though. It was really a "thanks be to God" for all that has been part of the adventure of our journey in 2008.
Unknown said…
I am entertained by having the same thought as Beth!
Ivy said…
You guys are too much!!

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