Friday Five: Words

Jan from RevGalBlogPals wrote this:

There is a dramatic and surprising venue for Spiritual Formation/Sunday School classes at my church: Each week a different person teaches about a "word" that expresses his/her passion or interest. The first week someone spoke about "hospitality" with abundant treats on her mother and grandmother's china arrayed on tables. Other words have been "connectivity," "Trinity," "money," and "dreams." No one knows which person will be teaching until the class convenes. I am teaching this Sunday and plan to talk about "stirrings."

For this Friday Five, please list five words that identify your passions, spirituality, and/or life. Describe as much or as little as you wish.

1. faithfulness--When I get discouraged, all I have to do is look back at God's continual faithfulness throughout my life and the lives of so many. This stirs up within me a desire to be a faithful servant of God.

2. passionate spirituality--If I cannot be passionate about my relationship with my Lord, then something is very wrong. Walking with God is far more than a job or vocation, it's my whole life.

3. love--Without this we are nothing. God's very motivation for sending Christ was love. I desire love to be my motivation for everything I do.

4. security--I struggle at times with insecurity. I cannot be secure in my own strength, but in God's. God is my strength and my security. When I acknowledge this then I am secure in who I am because of who God is.

5. grace--Regarding something I was worried about, my internship supervisor once told me, "Trust in the grace." That has stuck with me. It is God's grace that sustains us, that keeps us going. Thankfully there are people around us that operate out of grace-filled lives.


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