The Lasts Have Begun

Now it's really started. The last day of internship is Sunday, June 26. The lasts have begun. I've already experienced my last Ministerial Association meeting and last pericope group in this conference. This week was my last Grace Lutheran Church Council meeting. And yesterday was the last internship cluster meeting, which was really good. Actually all the cluster meetings have been very good.

But this last cluster meeting hit me harder than the other lasts. It was emotional, for one thing. On the way home, Pr. Larry and I stopped at Castiglia's in Keyser, WV, like we do every month after cluster to pick up something delicious to take home to our spouses for dinner. As we drove home, it struck me that this was the last time we'd be doing this.

There is still much to be done before my time of internship is completed. There will be more lasts or endings. But then there are beginnings on the horizon as well. I was reminded of this last week at the WV/W MD Synod Assembly that I attended. During the Fri. night worship, there was an ordination. God willing, next year at this time, I too will be experiencing ordination and getting ready for my first call.

As I was searching for an appropriate image to symbolize endings and beginnings, I came across this Celtic cross. The description of it says it all, "Celtic Cross of Endings and Beginnings...Change is at the very heart of life. When there is acceptance of change, of endings, and beginnings, then the unlooked for can begin" ( 

This picture is appropriate on a couple of different levels for me. First of all, it's a cross, a reminder of what Jesus has done for us and how we are to live cruciform lives. Secondly, it's Celtic. I am primarily of Irish descent. Then there is the way the design is all woven together in a way that it's difficult to discern the endings from the beginnings. 

Isn't that the point? If we are people of the cross, following the Christ who has died and been raised for us, our focus should be on that cross and Christ. I must admit, I get choked up when I think about internship being over and leaving these wonderful people and places I've grown to love this year. But I just need to keep flowing like the woven design of the Celtic cross and not get stuck on the difficulties of endings and transitions and new beginnings. Let the "unlooked for" begin!

Google Image


Anonymous said…
May all of these "lasts" lead to wonderful new beginnings. Blessings as you continue the journey!
Ivy said…
Thank you Jennifer. God bless you and your husband on your journey. God's peace.
"I just need to keep flowing... and not get stuck on the difficulties of endings and transitions and new beginnings" - wonderfully put!

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