Breakfast On the Beach

This is the devotion I shared with the people of St. Timothy Lutheran Church

John 21:4-14 (The Message)

When the sun came up, Jesus was standing on the beach, but they didn’t recognize him.
Jesus spoke to them: “Good morning! Did you catch anything for breakfast?”
They answered, “No.”
He said, “Throw the net off the right side of the boat and see what happens.”
They did what he said. All of a sudden there were so many fish in it, they weren’t strong enough to pull it in.
7-9 Then the disciple Jesus loved said to Peter, “It’s the Master!”
When Simon Peter realized that it was the Master, he threw on some clothes, for he was stripped for work, and dove into the sea. The other disciples came in by boat for they weren’t far from land, a hundred yards or so, pulling along the net full of fish. When they got out of the boat, they saw a fire laid, with fish and bread cooking on it.
10-11 Jesus said, “Bring some of the fish you’ve just caught.” Simon Peter joined them and pulled the net to shore—153 big fish! And even with all those fish, the net didn’t rip.
12 Jesus said, “Breakfast is ready.” Not one of the disciples dared ask, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Master.
13-14 Jesus then took the bread and gave it to them. He did the same with the fish. This was now the third time Jesus had shown himself alive to the disciples since being raised from the dead.
Breakfast with Jesus
The disciples had been fishing all night and caught nothing. They likely felt frustrated and exhausted. If you were one of them, what feelings would you have, especially given the circumstances of Jesus’ recent crucifixion?

What strikes me in particular is Jesus’ care for his disciples. He was cooking breakfast for them. Can you imagine how the disciples would feel when they saw Jesus doing that, when they smelled the fish and bread? Jesus knew how they felt and there’s nothing like having someone cook for you, especially when you are having a hard time. What would your response be if you were among the disciples then?

Read this passage again. Put yourself in the place of one of the disciples. Imagine the pitch darkness of the night, the sound of the water lapping on the boat. What do you smell as you are there? What do you hear?

And then, how do you feel when you see Jesus? What is your overwhelming emotion? For me, it’s the care and inclusiveness of the Lord. He invites us to join him. Jesus feeds us. Jesus is not aloof or exclusive. How does this apply to us? What are we doing to include and care for those around us?

Dear Lord, make us like you. Fill our hearts with care and concern for our fellow human beings, especially during this time when we cannot gather. May Christ’s love fill and envelope us, encouraging us and making us secure in his love. Amen. 


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