
Continuing Adventures in Rehab--the Persistant Lady

The adventures of Marie and me at rehab continue. This afternoon, after Ray had left, a frail, elderly woman in a wheelchair turned the corner and entered our room. We kept trying to tell her it wasn't her no avail. She just kept on coming...past my bed over to Marie's. Marie had been relaxedly reading the newspaper, now at the foot of her bed. The woman started pulling at the paper and Marie kept telling her, "No!" Eventually an aide came and took her back to her own area. Not five minutes later, here she comes again! This time she headed for our bathroom. I thought she'd never be able to manage opening the big door in her wheelchair. Was I ever wrong. Again we rang for help and she was whisked away. This lady was persistent. We found out she's 104 years old. We should have her energy and determination! Later in the day we were telling Rob, the young nurse about her and in she comes again! Rob took her out into the hallway and was talking to her. Th

Marie and me

I was praying about who my roommate would be and asking God's grace that we get along well. He is indeed faithful, even in the small things. Marie is my roommate. We have an extremely hot room. Our Biology studies this past week on global warming seem quite apropos. I am always hot, but thankfully, so is Marie. We both arrived at rehab on Thursday. We died from the heat and were both soaking wet by morning after sleeping all night in our sauna...I mean room. Even Ray found it very hot here. Friday we met many people: dietitian, physical and occupational therapists, activities name it. More importantly though, we learned the secret of cooling off the room, which involved turning off the heat entirely and opening a window. But, if we left our door open, the heat would come into our room from the hallway and would overheat the room. When we are way too hot: the window is open, the heat off and the door closed. We kept saying imagine if one of us was always cold and the

Before and after

Now that I'm on the other side of my surgery last Monday, I can say I have a new knee! This is what a typical healthy knee looks like. In meeting with my husband Ray, after the surgery, the doctor used a very technical term describing some of what he found around my knee: junk! Apparently due to said junk, the procedure was not so straightforward. Sparing you all the gory details, suffice it to say that I am at a very nice rehab facility close to the hospital and I am improving daily. I get around pretty good with my walker. This is what my knee looks like now--well a knee, not mine specifically. " I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well" (Ps 139:14). pictures from and


Hi, This is just to let you know that the blog will be quiet for a bit. I am having a total knee replacement done Mon., 1/14 and will be away from a computer and internet access for a few days. Once I'm settled in the rehab facility I will be back. Peace.

The Voice

We've all heard the voice. You know: the one a parent uses and you know y0u're in trouble now. Or the unmistakable voices of Barry White or James Earl Jones. Or the friend's voice when there so much brokenness in your life, family, marriage and no one can do anything to fix it, but just hearing the love and concern in that voice somehow helps. Psalm 29:3-9 ( ) speaks of God's voice. " The voice of the Lord is over the waters... is powerful... full of majesty... breaks the cedars... flashes forth flames of fire... shakes the wilderness... causes the oaks to whirl... strips the forests bare." The psalmist here speaks of a strong voice. Sometimes we need that strength when we are weak. It is the voice of the God who speaks things into being...of the eternal Word incarnated among us. It's important to recognize the voice we are hearing. Parents know their child's voic

Feel Overwhelmed?

"Now to him who by the power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far mor than all we can ask or imagine" (Eph 3:20). The countd0wn has begun for several things in my life. Today begins my last undergrad semester. I graduate May 10th!! One week from today I will have a total knee replacement (my left). In August we will pack up and move to Gettysburg Seminary and begin a new academic, social and spiritual life there. What I've been mostly a bit nervous about lately is the surgery and keeping up with my classwork. I'll be in the hospital 2-3 days, then in an inpatient rehab facility 2-3 weeks. I'm taking three classes, one of which is a four credit class, Biology. I will not have internet access in the hospital, but can read if I'm not too loopy. At the rehab facility I will have plenty of internet access. It will be tricky however doing all the therapy I'll need to do and doing all the school work as well. It's easy to worry and fret. &qu