
Remnant Thanksgiving

Have a blessed Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. Our Thanksgiving will be spent with others on campus for a "Remnant Thanksgiving." flickr picture


Though on the mend, I feel a bit like my friend here. It is sheer grace that is keeping me going. This song says it all. flickr foto

It's Official...I'm a Sicko or

Do you think the seminary choir could use another bass? I am dying to talk to the choir director and see if he needs a new bass. He has a great sense of humor. That's what I sound like. If I see him at chapel or lunch tomorrow, I will definitely make the offer. Meanwhile, today I was still feeling awful, but now there's a cough in addition to the pain around my sinuses. I saw the doctor tonight (I love that they have night hours). I do have a sinus infection and I was wheezing, which I've never done before. So, I'm on Zpac, Advair, a steroid, and Coriciden. Hopefully this will knock it all out of me. I'm not having fun. flickr foto s

Creeping Crud

It's that time of year when everyone is sick. Last week Rural Pastor was sick and actually tried to chant part of the service, but that didn't work out too well. My classmates have been sick as well. Now it's my turn. A student who is a parish nurse referred to it as the "creeping crud." Wednesday night I started having a voice change. Let's put it this way, if I was in the choir, I'd be a bass. That is still the case voice-wise, but now I feel like I've been run over by a truck as well. I talked to Rural Pastor yesterday and assured him that though I could not chant the kyrie, hymn of praise, or do the prayers, I would nonetheless be in attendance today--or so I thought...until I I woke up this morning, feeling every bit as bad as yesterday. So, I'm home and not having fun. flickr picture

It's a Small World After All

Rural Pastor had mentioned in an email that we were having a baptism this morning. That's always exciting and I made the assumption that the family was from the area. When I went to put on my alb, I saw a woman changing a baby and then realized they were the baptismal family. I greeted them and mentioned I was away last weekend at my granddaughter's baptism in Rochester, NY. The mother exclaimed, "We're from Rochester!" I was amazed. I then inquired where they live in the Rochester area. She said, "Penfield." I told her I graduated from Penfield High School--as did she. She mentioned she had attended St. Joseph's Church in Penfield. That is where I was confirmed. We even went to the same elementary school, though she's much younger than I. It gets even more amazing. I mentioned that my daughter lives in Greece, NY. That's where one of the godparents lives! This is in a small, rural, MD church!! They had family here though and that's why t

Here in This Place.

It's just Abby and myself home this wet, rainy Saturday morning. Ray and Amity are at S. O. S., Seminary on Saturday. This is a program for the community that's held twice a year. The first session on Nov. 1 was "Holy Time-Holy Space-Holy People," taught by a couple of my profs. Ray missed last week's session because of our being in Rochester. Today's is "Luther and the Jews," taught by my adviser and her husband. One of the tremendous blessings of being at this place is the learning opportunities for both of us and the community. We are grateful to be here in this place, gathered with God's people. LTSG picture

Rest, Who Me?

Please take a look at Clint's post on sabbath rest , particularly as we approach Advent. It's a challenging read. What do you do to add sabbath to your busy days? For myself, night prayer, or compline, nicely closes the day and helps me to remember why I'm here at seminary. Flickr picture