
NRSV--Getting the Boot

No, not the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, but the new revised standard version of treatment for my inflamed Achilles tendon. That is my NRSV. When the physical therapist referred to a boot, this is not what I envisioned. I only have to wear it when walking and I have to say that walking is less painful than before. I’ll be wearing it for 2-3 weeks. I do feel a bit like a peg-legged pirate when I walk though.ARRR! boot and pirate pictures

Please Pray

Being in God's will does not mean that one escapes hardship and pain. There are two in particular in our seminary community that need prayer. The first is a spouse of a classmate, A. S. She was scheduled for back surgery, but during pre-op testing, nodules were discovered on one of her lungs. She had the lung surgery and is now home recuperating, but will still be having the back surgery later this month. Thanks be to God that the nodules were not cancerous. She has a long haul in front of her however. Secondly, yesterday I learned that during the break between semesters a classmate was in a car accident resulting in a shattered ankle and broken femur. She's out of the hospital and in rehab. Once we find out which rehab facility it is, some of us will be going to see her. She will not be able to return for the Spring semester. Please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery. Thankfully, "A Mighty Fortress is Our God!" flickr picture

We're Back

When I left for Christmas vacation, I was suffering from fried brain syndrome, as were my fellow seminarians. The time away was filled with renewed mental and physical resources, renewed relationships, and renewed commitment. We spent Christmas with my daughter and granddaughter (at left). Grace has grown so much in such a short time. A particular highlight for us was seeing Grace in the Christmas pageant at church. She was an angel. There was also a toddler who was one of the shepherds. As he followed the other shepherds up the aisle, he was sucking his thumb and clutching his blanket. He was too cute. Shortly after arriving in Rochester, I talked with a pastor friend (he married us just over 5 years ago) and he asked me to preach for him. The congregation is small, but delightful. I had a wonderful time. Since Amity has been with Ray (Sept.), she has not wagged her tail much at all and has sometimes looked rather melancholy. This has changed dramatically and it seems the impetus for

Year in Review

I am following Songbird's example of doing a review of 2008 posts. It is a meme consisting of the first sentence of the first post for each month of 2008. January--I was just reading this post on the "Gifted for Leadership" blog, "Create a Culture of Mentorship." February--I came home yesterday morning from Kent Regency Rehab. March--The first half of this semester has been difficult, to say the least. April--We received some troubling news yesterday concerning a pastor friend. May--Sally created this week's Friday Five, posted over at RevGalBlogPals : Part of the Ascension Day Scripture from Acts 11 contains this promise from Jesus;"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” June-- I came home a week ago Sat. from rehab after knee replacement. July-- Sally at Rev Gals posted today's Friday Five. August--We are gratef

Always Be Prepared

I have learned a lesson this week. In my hurry to visit family for the holidays, I decided to leave the laptop at home. The semester is done, I really wouldn't need it, right? Wrong!! It happens that in talking with a pastor friend, he asked me to preach this Sunday at his church. I brought no commentaries, laptop, or preaching preparation aids of any kind. Thankfully, the public library is open for a little longer and I've been able to access some fine online helps. I will be preaching on the gospel text in Luke 2 on Jesus' presentation in the temple. Unlike myself, Anna and Simeon were prepared. They waited faithfully for God to fulfill his promise of a Savior and Messiah with hearts open and ready for whatever God planned. Several things have struck me in reading the text. The first is the evident work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Simeon and Anna. Look at this snippet from the text regarding Simeon's watchful attitude, "...looking forward to the consolati

Light at the End of the Tunnel...

and it's not an oncoming train! This is the last week of the semester and I have one thing for and take one exam!!! Then I have two weeks off! We are going to spend one of them in Rochester with my daughter, granddaughter, and friends. So, Christmas we'll be there. Then we'll go to RI for the New Year to be with Ray's family and our friends there. We absolutely love it here at Gburg, but I am ready for a break from the studies. When we return, I will not be the only one in school. Ray will be starting the Certificate of Theological Studies program, about which we're very excited. flickr picture

Live toTestify!

The message of today's readings is abundantly clear. Phrases from Isaiah such as, "...bring good news to the oppressed," "...proclaim liberty to captives," and "...proclaim the year of the Lord's favor," are but the beginning of the the proclamation. The testimony continues in 1 Thessalonians with "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances..." And in the Gospel of John we hear of "...the man sent from God, whose name was John." He testified and was a witness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This morning as Pr. Steve preached, highlighting these themes, I had this song going through my mind like it was on a loop that constantly replayed. What about us? Are such themes, proclamations, and words only for prophets and apostles to declare? In this world of pain and darkness, we too have good news to share and light to bring. God give us wisdom as to the myriad of ways we can testify to love. Picture